What Happens During a Comprehensive Eye Exam?

What Happens During a Comprehensive Eye Exam?

What Happens During a Comprehensive Eye Exam?

What Happens During a Comprehensive Eye Exam?

What Happens During a Comprehensive Eye Examination?

A comprehensive eye examination is an essential part of maintaining good vision. It takes time and attention, but the benefits of having a thorough evaluation can last a lifetime. Knowing what to expect can make you feel more comfortable during the appointment. What happens during a comprehensive eye exam?


What Should I Expect During the Appointment?

The first thing you can expect is a review of your medical history. This includes previous surgeries and any medications you're taking. The doctor may also ask about your family history of eye diseases or existing diseases that may affect your eyes.

After, a physical examination of the eyes may follow. This may include the following:

●      Checking for redness or puffiness and examining the eyelids for droopiness

●      Looking at the pupils for symmetry and response to light

●      Testing how well you can move each eye separately in all directions

●      Checking for depth perception and color vision


What follows may be a series of tests that check your eyes and vision.


What Tests Happen During a Comprehensive Eye Exam?

To test your eyes and vision, the doctor may conduct the following tests:


Visual Acuity Test

This measures how well you can see objects near you or at a distance. Doctors ask you to read the letters and numbers on a chart while covering one of your eyes.


Refraction Test

In this test, you'll look through a phoropter. The equipment allows you to see using various lenses, allowing the doctor to check for refractive errors. Examples of refractive errors are nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.



This exam checks the curvature of your cornea.


Checks for Eye Teaming, Movement, and Focusing

The doctor may also test how well your eyes move, work, and focus together.

Depending on the initial results, your doctor may also recommend supplemental testing. This testing can better determine what causes eye problems you may have.


Do You Need to Wear Contacts or Eyeglasses During the Exam?

If you wear glasses or contacts, bring them to the appointment. That way, the doctor can check whether or not they are up to date with your needs.


A Comprehensive Eye Examination Is an Important Part of Maintaining Good Vision

A comprehensive eye examination is essential for your eye health. The exam can detect and treat problems early, which means you can avoid more severe issues later on. Regular eye exams are recommended for everyone. If you have specific conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure or if you wear glasses and contacts, you must have exams more frequently.


Do you have eye symptoms that interfere with your daily activities? How long has it been since your last eye checkup? It may be the right time to have your comprehensive eye examination. Feel free to visit the Savaglio Family Vision at our clinic in Kenosha, Wisconsin. You may also call us at 262-657-7850 to set an appointment or inquire about our comprehensive eye examination packages.

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