What Happens During a Contact Lens Exam?

What Happens During a Contact Lens Exam?

What Happens During a Contact Lens Exam?

What Happens During a Contact Lens Exam?

What Happens During a Contact Lens Exam?


Contact lenses are a popular choice for vision correction, as they offer a discreet and convenient alternative to eyeglasses. If you're considering wearing contact lenses, you'll need to undergo a specialized contact lens exam with your optometrist. This exam is designed to ensure that the contact lenses you choose fit your eyes properly and provide you with clear, comfortable vision.

What to Expect During a Contact Lens Exam

During your contact lens exam, your optometrist will perform a series of tests and measurements to evaluate the health and shape of your eyes, as well as your prescription needs. This typically includes:

•       Comprehensive Eye Exam: Your optometrist will conduct a comprehensive eye exam to assess your overall eye health, including checking for any underlying conditions that may affect your ability to wear contact lenses.

•       Corneal Topography: This test maps the curvature of your cornea, which is essential for determining the appropriate contact lens shape and size for your eyes.

•       Tear Film Evaluation: Your optometrist will assess the quality and quantity of your tear film, as this can impact the comfort and fit of your contact lenses.

•       Visual Acuity Testing: You'll be asked to read an eye chart to determine your current level of vision and the appropriate prescription for your contact lenses.

•       Slit Lamp Examination: Your optometrist will use a specialized microscope to examine the front of your eyes, including your eyelids, corneas, and conjunctiva, to ensure they are healthy and suitable for contact lens wear.

Once your eye health and vision needs have been evaluated, your optometrist will work with you to find the right contact lenses for your eyes. This fitting process may involve trying on contact lenses to determine the most comfortable and effective option for your needs.

Different Types of Contact Lenses

There are several different types of contact lenses available, each with its own unique features and benefits. Your doctor will consider factors such as your prescription, eye shape, and lifestyle when recommending the best type of contact lens for you. Some of the most common contact lens options include:

•       Soft Contact Lenses: These are the most popular type of contact lenses, as they are comfortable, flexible, and easy to insert and remove.

•       Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) Lenses: Also known as hard contact lenses, RGP lenses are more durable and provide clearer vision, but may take some time to adjust to.

•       Hybrid Lenses: These lenses combine the best features of soft and RGP lenses, offering the comfort of soft lenses with the visual clarity of hard lenses.

•       Multifocal Lenses: These contact lenses are designed to correct both near and distance vision, making them a good choice for individuals with presbyopia (age-related farsightedness).

•       Toric Lenses: Toric lenses are specifically designed to correct astigmatism, providing clear vision for those with this common refractive error.

Determining the Right Fit for Your Needs

When selecting the right contact lenses for you, your optometrist will consider a variety of factors, including:

·       Your prescription and any changes in your vision

·       The shape and curvature of your eyes

·       The thickness and moisture content of your tear film

·       Your lifestyle and activity level

·       Any existing eye conditions or allergies

·       Your comfort and preference

By taking these factors into account, your doctor can help you find the perfect contact lenses that not only correct your vision but also provide you with a comfortable and hassle-free wearing experience.

Schedule Your Contact Lens Exam with Savaglio Family Vision Today

Undergoing a comprehensive contact lens exam is an essential step in ensuring that you receive the right vision correction solution for your needs. By understanding what to expect during the exam and the factors your optometrist considers, you can feel confident in your decision to wear contact lenses and enjoy clear, comfortable vision.

To schedule your contact lens exam and find the perfect lenses for your eyes, contact our office today. We are dedicated to providing personalized care and helping you achieve your vision goals. Visit Savaglio Family Vision at our office in Kenosha, Wisconsin, or call (262) 657-7850 to book an appointment today.

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