When Should My Child Start Seeing an Eye Doctor?

When Should My Child Start Seeing an Eye Doctor?

When Should My Child Start Seeing an Eye Doctor?

When Should My Child Start Seeing an Eye Doctor?

The American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus stresses the importance of bringing your child in for regular eye checks. Starting this routine early will give your child a good start on their health. Many parents wonder when the right time is for this type of checkup. Here are the details to know when your child should start seeing an eye doctor.

The Recommended Time

Many eye doctors suggest that children should start having eye checkups at age one. The child must come in again before kindergarten. Early eye checks from a specialist can help detect the slightest abnormalities in your child’s eye structure and function. These are more detailed eye checkups than the ones your child’s general doctor provides.

Your child may need more frequent eye checks if there is a family history of lazy eye or cross-eye. If the general doctor or parents suspect that the child has eye problems, the child must see an eye doctor more often. Even if your child does not have vision problems, you should bring your child in for an eye checkup before they start school.

Early Eye Checks Are Crucial

It is possible to reverse eye problems if the eye doctor catches them early. That is why early eye checkups are necessary. A lazy eye is a good example. This eye condition involves a weak eye. If caught early, it is possible for the child to respond well to treatments that include eyeglasses, eye patches, or eye drops. Below are the things that you can consider in bringing your child in for early eye checkups:

  • Think about your family history - Look at the vision issues that run in your family. Your child must see an eye doctor to see if your child has any of the eye or vision problems that run in your family. If your child has an eye condition, your eye doctor must start keeping an eye on it early to prevent it from worsening or even reverse it

  • Do not wait for school age - It is never too early for an eye exam. Most kids have vision tests before they go to school. Correcting any vision problem before school age is ideal. Studies show that learning is easier and faster if a child has good eyesight

  • Follow your gut - Trusting your instincts is part of being a parent. You know your child better than anyone. Parents are often the first ones to see anything wrong with their children. If there is no problem with the first test, try again with another doctor. Getting a second opinion is always a good way to confirm the diagnosis

  • Go to an eye specialist - A general doctor for kids has limitations in diagnosing eye problems in children. You must bring your child to a specialist in treating the eyes of kids. This healthcare professional has tools and techniques dedicated to spotting eye problems. Through proper experience and training, your child can get the right help before facing the world outside your home

Bringing your child in early for eye checkups can help your child have a great start in life. At Savaglio Family Vision, we always aim to provide the highest quality eye care products and services. Please visit our clinic in Kenosha, Wisconsin, for an in-person consultation. Please call 262-657-7850 to set an appointment or inquire about our early-age eye diagnostic and treatment packages.

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